• 9 февраля 2019, суббота
  • Москва, 74, Kasturi Ranga Road, Alwarpet, Chennai, 600018

The Open Lab Work in Chennai at the Russian center of science and culture

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Открытая лабораторная
1897 дней назад
9 февраля 2019, начало в 9:30
74, Kasturi Ranga Road, Alwarpet, Chennai, 600018

Open Lab Work take place at Russian center of science and culture in Chennai on 9th of February at 09:30 a.m.

The "Open Lab Work" project is devoted to the International Year of the Periodic Table

The United Nations has designated 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019).
The "Year of Mendeleev" will be opened by the global educational "Open Lab
Work" project, which will be held on February 9 in 30 countries all over the world.
The Open Lab Work is a test about the world through the prism of physical, chemical and biological knowledge. For the first time this year, everyone will be able to test the scientific knowledge in Russian, English, French and other major world languages. Participation is free of charge.
Who invented the recipe for "Mendeleev’s" vodka? What is the accuracy of the modern devices,
and whether the nerve cells can regenerate? Where will you get if you follow the direction the
compass needle points to? There are 25 difficult but interesting questions about the world including the "anniversary" chapter, which is devoted not only to the "three-dimensional"; periodic table of chemical elements, but also to the most common myths about chemistry.

To answer all the questions in the "lab work" 30 minutes are given, after that participants go
through each task in detail together with "lab assistants" — the leading Russian and international
scientists and science advocates. Thus, everybody not only learn their result immediately but also
get a lot of new useful and interesting information that corrects misconceptions about the world.
After that, each venue hosts an extra program, which includes scientific shows, experiments,
master classes and excursions.
The Open Lab Work traditionally takes place in leading universities, museums, research institutes,
libraries, schools and public spaces. The project exists since 2017 and traditionally is held in
February in honor of the Russian Science Day. In 2018, 41,000 people in 10 countries and 65
Russian cities participated in the Open Lab Work.
The "Open Lab Work" project is organized by ANO "Laboratory of Educational Projects". In 2019,
the event takes place in dozens of countries with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo. The Russian
Science Foundation (RNF) is a fundamental partner of the Open Lab Work. The partner of the
Open Lab Work in English is Skyeng.


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