• 9 февраля 2019, суббота
  • Томск, проспект Ленина, 26, 3 этаж

"Open Lab Work" in Quantorium Technology Park | Tomsk

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Другие события организатора

Открытая лабораторная
1902 дня назад
9 февраля 2019 c 15:00 до 18:00
проспект Ленина, 26, 3 этаж

This year Open Lab Work in Tomsk will be held in English. International form of event is provided by Quantorium Technology Park. Our partners – industrial enterprises and educational organizations. We invite Russian school students with fluent English language and fond of Chemistry and international students of Tomsk universities.

The event consists of 3 parts.

  1. Open Lab Work. This is a chemical test. Participants are given questions in different fields of Chemistry and other sciences. To answer all the questions in the "lab work" 30 minutes are given, after that participants go through each task in detail together with "lab assistants" — the leading Russian and international scientists and science advocates. Thus, everybody not only learn their result immediately but also get a lot of new useful and interesting information that corrects misconceptions about the world. Totally this part takes 60 minutes.
  2. Project Session in Chemical Engineering “From Idea to Real Challenge”. In this part the participants solve different acute problems proposed by the partners of the event — chemical and food industrial enterprises of Tomsk region (“Raw Milk enterprise, SAVA ltd, etc.”. They have 30 minutes for developing the solutions and 30 minutes for presentation to experts.
  3. Master-class in Chemistry in English “Chemical Talent” (held by the partner of the event – Science Museum “Gravity point”, extra activity — excursion around museum and interesting information in chemical field. This part is about 40 minutes
  4. Award Ceremony:  all participants will be awarded by Certificates of "Open Lab Work". The winners (authors of the best answers) will be awarded by Diplomas This part is for 20 minutes.

Only 40 vacancies are available!


Contacts: Lyudmila Larina, PhD (Chemistry), Head of Science and Methodology Department of Quantorium, Mob. tel. +7-903-954-08-75; lucy.n.larina@gmail.com

Up-to-date information for participants: https://vk.com/openlab2019

Language of the event: English.



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